Our Services
We offer a national online salvage valuation and buying service of damaged and non-damaged motor vehicles, prestige, light commercial, motorcycles, trucks, plant and machinery from organisations such as:
- Insurance Companies
- Financial Institutes
- Leasing, Fleet and Motor Dealers
- Smash repairers and public Sector
By utilising our professional services with over 30 years of experience and knowledge, Automotive Solutions Australia is dedicated to providing an unbiased assessment in the areas of:
- Guaranteed written buy prices on Insurance third party and cash settlement claims
- Insolvency/Bankruptcy valuations and purchasing
- Pre Accident Valuation (PAV estimate) *
Automotive Solutions Australia will organise collection of all salvage types of vehicles or equipment by our experienced transport companies, delivered to one of our many locations within Australia.
Purchase offers submitted in writing have a validation period of 14 days. Any extended purchase offers may be negotiated if contacted by the vendor/seller prior to the validation period expiring.
* PAV Estimate – The market value is the cost of buying a car in similar condition to your car at the time of the accident or loss (an insurer will get one or more PAVs – pre-accident valuations – to work out what the car would have sold for immediately prior to the accident or loss). A specialist vehicle valuer will work out the market value, taking into consideration the car’s pre-accident condition and any modifications.